I was going to give his teeth a metallic sheen, but they’re even more terrifying untouched. The whole image is utterly horrific, in fact.
Tom Towers has previously talked about Jordan Peterson here.
Now that Tom has actually read not one but two books by Jordan Peterson, he has a few more things to say which are hopefully more interesting than the original piece. Peterson is an enigmatic figure, and his books do not disappoint: indeed, they reveal that to survive public scrutiny he has had to severely self-censor himself.
Seriously. He’s not on the BBC talking about how Western history is the only form of history in which the historians discuss (or believe they discuss) objective events; not that this makes non-Western historiography any less literally true as they still focus on the psychological significance of events, instead, apparently.
(To be fair, the psychological elements of “Eastern” (or rather, non-Abrahamic) theology and philosophy are much more complex than “Western” (or rather, Catholic and Norse) theology and philosophy—and it goes without saying that the reformation was something of a religious lobotomy for Christians (leaving them almost as dumb as the Vikings and Saxons).
Or better still, that it was dreaming of his grandmother’s paint-brush-like pubic hair that revealed to him how the feminine was symbolic of chaos. (Pe[e]pe[e] go into vejajay; though, luckily, he killed a bear in the dream instead of fucking his granny—but according to Freudian psychoanalysis, it’s fair to say that the axe was his stalk, and the bear his gramma’s cabbage!)
You can read about even more of Jordan Peterson’s wacky adventures here.