Game Under Episode 11

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Trademark Banter
0:01:45 Australia Dominates Iraq, is now on par with Iran
0:04:53 Phil Has a Kindle/ Book Suggestion 
0:06:25 Tom's Deadly Premonition Review is up, we talk about his review

Ongoing Impressions
0:08:40 Phil comments on one week with last of Us
0:14:15 Splinter Cell Discussion (on stealth)

0:15:15 Aussie Prices for the Next Gen & NZ Wii U for $200!
0:19:45 Xbox ONE-80. Microsoft's existential crisis reaches boiling point
0:23:20 So will we get one?
0:24:10 One Time Check-in Theory
0:25:10 What's the difference Between XBOX3 and PS4?
0:31:50 Phil Fish, Racism, Nintendo etcetera
0:34:10 Sony. It was good while it lasted (Patch Bricking)
0:38:00 Our E3 Coverage Last Week. We touch on Mirror's Edge, Titanfall and other omissions.
0:41:25 NPD
0:45:30 Which would we buy in the top ten?
0:48:05 Oculus Rift Talk and Phil's Dating Advice

Aural Review
0:54:20 Uncharted 2 (some spoilers, but c'mon) Doom 2, Last of Us, Donkey Kong and many other games discussed as we go through some game design basics. Also, Tom's Shocking score reveal for Uncharted 2.
