Return of the Big Show, Tom and Phil reveal their GOTY 2014 selections, including many other categories as well.
We hope you enjoy the show, comment here or tweet us @gameunderphil
Return of the Big Show, Tom and Phil reveal their GOTY 2014 selections, including many other categories as well.
We hope you enjoy the show, comment here or tweet us @gameunderphil
Game Under gets its first original Tom Towers review!
Citizens of Earth failed to reach its Kickstarter target. But in stepped ATLUS, known the world over for its quirky JRPGs and necromancies, to resurrect Citizens of Earth. This novel gestation raises interesting questions about the infallible elitism of standard publishing. Did the bourgeoisie dictators of taste successfully rescue from lynching by the uneducated masses a diamond in the Kickstarter rough, or did the mob turn its nose up at a cheap, two-bit zirconium imitation of the bedazzling Earthbound jewel?
We've been here. Watching you, watching us. Well, watching our dormant podcast at least. But now... we are back. Tom and Phil have new hardware, new software and have been completely re-programmed to provide the perfect form of auditory entertainment in the podcast form.
You will not be prepared for this show. Solace will not be found in the arms of a loved one, instead embrace the warm grasp, of Episode 59 of The Game Under Podcast.
Cough, Pause, Edit, Jellyfish, Ramstein.
Fogg Here,
That was a greeting, not a weather report, but since we are on the topic, it just rained here at the World HQ of the Game Under Podcast, but we are still 11 inches short for out annual average. Which is not a comment on our ... other capabilities.
In any case, as I was saying, Tom Towers, my invertebrate co-host, has written a review of a game that is interesting and original and also on my Steam Wishlist (hint hint).
Please check out his review over at
Phil Fogg (1L2Gs)
Metal Shadow: Prelude (one of the 30 most popular books on Jukeopop!), the action-packed, anime aestheticed, young adult, adventure, science fiction, high fantasy novel has been chosen by JukePop to be included in its new and innovative investment program.
Unlike other crowd funding projects, if you contribute money to Metal Shadow: Prelude you will receive royalties from all future sales if the project is successfully funded. And at an insanely high rate, too! For only $40 you will receive 1% royalties. 1%! Even authors don't get that much from book sales! Look it up. It's actually almost true.
But why invest? I mean, apart from supporting a talented author with an original novel they've been working on for years and years, of course. Well, I'm glad you asked. This is the fastest way to get any PS4 videogame impressions on the Game Under podcast! How? Tom Towers is discretely involved in the project (he’s the guy making sure it's awesome) and vows to invest at least some of his wages into the acquisition of a PS4. Which he will actually play. Unlike certain other PS4-owning podcast co-hosts...
So invest here now! Support a talented writer, make money, and then listen to even more Killzone impressions on the Game Under podcast!
Hey, after fighting off heat, soccer and technical problems (Windows 10 we're looking at you), we are back to talk about Back to Bed, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Rogue Trip: Vacation 2012 and Sir, You Are Being Hunted.
From Retro Studios. No, really.
Tom and I hop into our Hot Tub Time Machine and go back to February 2012, where we give world-first impressions of Binary Domain as well as many other games.
It was episode 102 of our prior podcast, and while not much has changed, it's not exactly the same format as The Game Under Podcast.
Finally Tom beats and appraises the merits of Asura's Wrath. We both rapidly despatch our final summation on Valiant Hearts and out of no-where Phil closes out his Fable franchise experiences.
What's this? Looks like my co-host has posted a review of The Vanishing of Ethan Carter over there at Laser Lemming. Looks like some kind of helicopter simulator. Which reminds me, whatever happened to helicopter simulators?
I've heard that there is this strange, avante garde podcast that is going around reddit called game under. Maybe you should check it out?
Even the avante garde can appreciate a good cat picture.