Mind Scanners Launch Trailer

Building on the ground Papers, Please broke, Mind Scanners has the potential to be special.

Its aesthetic is a mind-bending blend of two opposing forces, Freudian psychology and Soviet bureaucracy. (So it’s actually a Jungian duality, if anything!) This would be intriguing enough, but the lo-fi aesthetic is suitably dismal yet engrossing, and the day-to-day routine of the work simulation is like a lava bath for the brain, as you try to juggle pleasing both the id and the ego of the General Secretary and your own sense of justice.

For Tom and Phil’s impressions of the Mind Scanners beta, click here.

Ready Player One

Metamorphosis of Narcissus.jpg

Ready Player One is not a love letter to popular culture, but the crushing revelation that art is utterly futile. That someone may present to an audience Brazil, A Clockwork Orange, Star Wars, The Iron Giant, The Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, or even Kurt-fucking-Vonnegut as meaningless commodities whose existence is only valuable to the protagonist in so far as they either look cool or will help him become rich and famous, and supposed fans of these works will embrace such a depiction is nothing short of sickening.

Nor is Ready Player One the depiction of a dystopia, but a somatic propaganda in which the aristocratic doofuses are not hucksters, snake oil salesmen and quasi-religious figures who give value to their stocks only through the cult of personality they have cultivated are actually the geniuses they claim to be, capable of singlehandedly building virtual worlds all by themselves. (How anyone who claims to be a fan of Monty Python can depict the upper-class as anything but twits is astounding.) Though, when the virtual worlds they create are this vapid, maybe even someone like the world-renowned paedophile and entrepreneur, Elon Musk, would actually be capable of making one, too. Not to mention the fact that in spite of climate catastrophe and techno-feudalism, everyone still gets to play vidya games and watch movees (even in school!), so the world still seems, if anything, better than the one in which we live. To give him some credit, at least we see that in the grandiose visions of Elon Musk, there is nothing more than vanity—yet Ready Player One glorifies such vanity, giving us trivia in place of theology, and telling us this is the gospel: so long as we worship our new feudal lords, they will reward us with cool in-game items.


There are two human moments.

A black character finds freedom in the digital world, able to hide her blackness and thus escape racial persecution. The unstated subtext Ernest Cline is too afraid to say out loud: in this techno-utopia where anyone may be anything, black people must hide their identity to escape racial persecution. Yet we encounter no racism over the course of the book. Is sticking one’s fingers in one’s ears and closing one’s eyes a trait of the protagonist, or the fear of the author that he might offend his ear-fingering and eye-poking audience?

The protagonist’s relationship with his trophy is interesting in so far as he is never sure if she is really who she claims to be (gold, bronze, or silver), this being a fantastical depiction of the internet, after all. And while there is nothing wrong, theoretically, with her turning out to be exactly who she says she is (gold, but scratched), it never evolves beyond him just blankly stating I DNO IF U RLY HU U SY U R over and over; indeed, the fact that two characters courting one another discover each other to be exactly how they imagined the other says all you need to know about the depth of Cline’s characterisation—a failing made even more painful considering that this is the only concrete theme in Ready Player One.


I have watched the sort of idolatry in which Ready Player One revels grow over the years in the gaming community, and I find it, frankly, terrifying. The things Ernest Cline references are the same things loved by people who claim politics (what they really mean here is themes) are destroying [post-]modern art, but it takes the same sort of unthinking, loveless, joyless consumption of art to conclude that pretty much anything Ernest Cline references is apolitical. Yet I cannot help but feel pity for such people, because to consume art in this way, means that their own life must be without thought, without love, and without joy.

I had hoped that Ready Player One would, at least, have offered me some insight into this horrific way of conceiving of art, but on finishing it I am just as confused and frightened when confronting such thinking as I have ever been.

How can Cline claim to love anti-consumerist Rush, when he has written a novel which reduces the likes of Tolkien to an intellectual property which exists only for the purpose of mass production? I may be as frustrated by Tolkien’s works as much as I love them, and think very little of the film adaptations, but in speaking to lovers of both I have never had difficulty in understanding why they love them; why Cline does, I cannot even guess. Indeed, how can Cline claim to love anything at all, when the love interest of his story is a narcissistic projection of the protagonist, exactly in reality as he envisioned her in his head?

I am left with the troubling notion that, perhaps, the protagonist is a narcissistic projection of Ernest Cline himself.


Sid Meir's Memoir - Micro Review

Sid Meir’s name is well known to most gamers mostly because his well known titles all start with the words, Sid Meir. It is a publicity device used by only a few other titans of the video game development scene, such as Tom Clancy and American McGee.


It would be natural to assume that such a person would be insanely egotistical, but Mr. Meir’s 300 page memoir tediously depicts himself as a decent, peaceful and thoughtful person who would like nothing more than to be left alone to make video games and spend time with his family and friends.

Like all of the publicity he has ever done, putting his name on his games was not his idea, but he was smart enough to recognize that those selling his games knew more about marketing than he did.

The book spends a lot of time on his early life, and while this would be useful to a psychologist trying to help him, it really is not that interesting or revelatory to his design influences. The tagline of the book, “by the creator of Civilization!” indicates that most readers will come to the book to learn more about the games he has made rather than what made Sid Meir. Those readers will come way disappointed, but there are still enough revelations in the book to make it worthy of a read to those who are dedicated scholars of video game culture.

This photo was also not his idea.

This photo was also not his idea.

My main takeaway was that every single great game Sid Meir made was influenced entirely by a pre-existing board or video game (or one of his co-developers previous work on a similar concept). This was always mentioned every several tens of pages into the descriptions of the game as a small matter not worth focusing on (but he did at least mention those facts).

Combining this along with the omission of his his co-writer—Jennifer Noonan’s name does not make the front cover—does start to reveal perhaps a more egotistic side of Mr. Meir’s personality that he has not shown to the public, but then again, perhaps I’ve been lulled by the book into playing the role of an armchair therapist.

Sid Meir’s Memoir is required reading for enthusiasts of Microprose, Firaxis or video game generalists but don’t expect a compelling read for this full-price and professionally published book.

  • Phil Fogg

Ken Williams Book About Sierra Online - Not All Fairy Tales Have Happy Endings


Ken Williams, the founder and CEO of Sierra Online is clearly an intelligent person with strong opinions or he and his wife Roberta would never have been able to turn Sierra Online into the dominant PC game developer and publisher of the 20th century.  With hit series as diverse as King’s Quest, Leisure Suit Larry, Police Quest, Phantasmagoria and Leisure Suit Larry as well as leading the charge for sound cards, Sierra Online was powerhouse of creativity and commercial success.

It’s clear, however, from Ken Williams’ 408-page self-published book, that he has not been told “no” very often in his life, and if he has, he has not listened. This is a great and necessary trait if you are going to lead an industry for 20 years, not so much if you are writing a book.  This is Williams’ only book on the subject of his much-loved company, one that met a vicious and unnecessary demise after a Wall Street takeover, and as such it is an important document of what happened. 

Unlike other self-published autobiographies the book does not get bogged down in unimportant details that are only of interest to the writer, but the book does fall down where the author has chosen to intersperse chapters on non sequitur topics ranging from management philosophy to how programming code should be arranged. While a few of these are interesting, others have an extremely targeted audience, or are just so different in tone that it takes away from the rest of the book.

The only other negative, (besides the odd and sporadic use of clip-art) is that the last 15% of the book is made up of lists of games and other reference material. This is helpful to someone who does not have access to Wikipedia, but otherwise gives the reader the impression that the book is going to be much longer in substance than it is.

Which is a shame because the book, when on-topic, provides Williams’ compelling and unique view on his company, his professional life with Roberta and the other developers and artists at Sierra Online. It is certainly worth a read if you enjoyed PC gaming through the 80’s and 90’s, work in business management or are younger and want to research this period of game development.

  • Phil Fogg

Ready Player Two


The sequel to Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One, predictably named Ready Player Two, came as a surprise to me as I had not received any advance notice of it’s arrival. The sequel picks up right from the end of the first book with the same protagonist, Wade Watts.  In contrast to the underdog role he played in the first book, he is now all powerful as he takes on a challenge to his personal utopia (while the earth’s population is still suffering through poverty and environmental collapse -- despite the distractions his virtual reality devices provide).

The adolescent fiction, Ready Player One, was warmly received by the gaming community which then turned on the book once it became popular outside of the hobby. It is most routinely criticized for a strong reliance on making references to popular culture (or at least popular culture as seen through the eyes of someone with the same experiences as Ernest Cline). 

Cline does have a knack for engaging the reader’s interest and for the first third of the book it’s a real page-turner which is hard to put down. Once the play is revealed however the pace drops considerably. The format of the first book is repeated by once again relying on a “fetch quest” for a plot.

The book then paints a giant target on it’s back for it’s critics by concentrating the popular culture references  to a single topic for entire chapters, such as Lord of the Rings or the musical performer Prince.  If you have no interest or knowledge of the reference material, entire chapters become incomprehensible laundry lists of meaningless winks and nods.  Reading the Lord of the Rings chapter I recalled a lady who came to church and would turn every conversation (within seconds) into long soliloquies about genealogies from the bible (her name was Jean).

Ready Player One begat Ready Player Two begat a page-turning adolescent reading experience that I could have done without. Wait for the movie.

  • Phil Fogg

Tom Towers Read 425 Books in 2020, Vol 2

Even the offices of the future are full of literature!

Even the offices of the future are full of literature!

In the second instalment there is, unfortunately, no colourful language; though Tom does, candidly, detail the sexual fantasies that 300 inspired in him, including precisely what he’d like to do with Frank Miller’s dashing fedora.

Everyone here at the Game Under podcast hope he was joking—but who can tell; it might be best to keep your hat firmly on your head if you ever meet him in person: it’s much safer.

If you dare, you may read all about the dangerous sort of degeneracy the best and the worst things he read last year inspired in him, just click here.

Jung 7.jpg

Even if you don’t read any of it, it’s well worth taking a look some of the beautiful imagery from Jung’s illuminated manuscript. Other than post-modernism being virtually indistinguishable from new nationalism, nothing is a more comical refutation of Spengler than the fact that Jung, a psychologist, is unquestionably the West’s greatest prophet since Blake and Dickinson.

What kind of a soulless hack is obsessed, spiritually, with fucking Goethe (let alone Nietzsche ffs), anyway? I suppose it’s better than believing Shakespeare was the inventor of the modern psyche.

But all of this is irrelevant, as it’s not like Tom read The Decline of the West last year!

Maybe it’ll feature next year, when he’s read 500 books!

Tom Towers Read 425 Books in 2020, Vol 1

In the future, the population will be so literate that clubs will have literature available in VIP booths .

In the future, the population will be so literate that clubs will have literature available in VIP booths .

What a fucking nerd.

In volume 1, he reviews two perennially relevant American books: Gone With the Wind and The Better Angels of Our Nature, as well as listing without commentary everything in the middle-ground worth noting: the good, the disappointing, and the pleasantly surprising.

In volume 2, he will cover the best and the worst!

Check vol. 1 out here, but be forewarned: the Gone With the Wind Review gleefully uses the colourful language of the novel itself, and Mein Kampf is listed under “disappointments”.

Make of that what you will!