Art of Rally Demo Impressions

art of rally 2.jpg

Tom Towers played another demo. This time for Art of Rally, from the people who brought you Absolute Drift. You can check it out yourself here, and you can read what Tom wrote here. Why not do both?

Game Under Podcast Episode 124


In episode 124 of the Game Under Podcast, Phil Fogg take a trip down memory lane to remind the listeners that the show has been obituarising people for seven years! While the times may indeed be unprecedented, these obituaries certainly aren’t.

On listening, Tom was a little disappointed to find that there was no mention of Ryan Davis whose death resulted in one of the more interesting discussions of death on the show. However, he was pleased to note that, in fact, the biggest diss of all the Game Under obituary was that Terry Jones didn’t get one.

Listen here, and let us know who else we missed below!

Ghostrunner Demo Impressions


Remember demos? They’re still a thing, apparently. Tom Towers played one: Ghostrunner (obviously just because he heard it had ray-tracing!) It’s been compared to Superhot and Mirror’s Edge but, ever the contrarian, Tom thinks it’s more like Hotline Miami.

Read about why here.

The Lore of NAMCO's 1993 SNES Vehicle Combat Game: Battle Cars


At the time I bought my first SNES (around 1994), I’d been a PC gamer for a while and disconnected with console gaming. But a friend had a co-worker who was selling their daughter’s SNES with a copy of SimCity and Super Mario World for $36, and since I was curious (and actually just wanted to help out my friend’s co-worker), I bought it and was immediately in love with the console. I was taken back to the time of the console’s launch when I would play endlessly with my fellow teenagers, amazed by games like F-Zero.


So after a couple of months with SimCity, the NAMCO release, Battle Cars, was an easy selection for my first new game purchase. In essence, it is F-Zero with vehicular combat and story scenes that act as interstitials between each race. Speaking of race, these are often laden with racial stereotypes, which believe it or not somehow made it into the 21st century, despite the extreme woke-ness of the population.

Imagine my delight when I read the manual for the first time a few weeks ago and found a deep lore behind the game. Don’t strain your eyes by reading it from the image below, as I have transcribed it for your reading pleasure, but it involves climate change, nuclear weapons and such.

I did not make this up.

I did not make this up.

“The excess of the industrial revolution was doomed to haunt the earth. As the 20th century faded into the 21st, the planet’s largest economies were focused on the service industry. Over population and few environmental quality regulations created an exodus of traditional industry to less developed nations. Fuelled with cheap labor, factories churned out consumer products with obsolete “dirty” machines purchased from the former industrial giants. Each year billions of metric tons of pollution were dumped into the biosphere. Global warning increased exponentially.

As the 21st century progressed the greenhouse effect began to take its ugly toll. The polar ice caps melted at an ever increasing rate. International tensions rose with the water level at a time when the world had never been better armed. The end of the cold war over a hundred years earlier saw huge arsenals of weapons capable of mass destruction. As coastal cities sank under the oceans, people demanded action. Politically the easiest solution was to point fingers and launch attacks against “environmental terrorists”. Between global warning and global warfare the earth was forever changed.

The start of the 22nd century saw a true new world order. Survivors of the devastation lived in city states. Technologically sophisticated and jaded by years of war the people demanded a new sport for their new age… Battle Cars… technology…aggression…Battle Cars. Afforded the same popularity earlier cultures had given artists or pop musicians, battle Car drivers are heroes. The only rule is to win.”

Beautiful. If you wrote this, please contact us, I’d love to interview you for the Game Under podcast.

Phil Fogg

Game Under Podcast Episode 123

Phil Fogg hastily prepares for Episode 123

Phil Fogg hastily prepares for Episode 123

Tom Towers Reacts…to the news in our most recent episode and we also review a couple of indie games, The Last Day of June and Death and Taxes. We also have some Trademark Banter and lots more.

Thanks for listening.

In Case You Missed It

Tom Towers and Gagandeep Singh return for Smugcast 3

Tom Towers and Gagandeep Singh return for Smugcast 3

Though we’ve just published the 122nd episode of the Game Under Podcast, you may have missed last week’s release of Smugcast 3, featuring tom Towers and Gagandeep Singh from

They discuss the following series Bayonetta, DMC, Resident Evil as well as Ori and many other games. Gagan also gives his thoughts on the various top ten lists we’ve been doing lately.

Thanks for Listening

Tom Towers Top 10 Titles of the Twenty Tens: 1

Be sure to check out Kazimir Malevich, El Lissitzky’s mentor.

Before I talk about Trauma, let me talk about Proun; another obscure contender for best game of the decade (also developed by a single auteur) in spite of the fact that it did not displace any games in previous instalments. Proun, like Trauma, is an experiment; but here the experiment is one of aesthetics, not theory. Inspired not by canon but by a minor movement of the canon—El Lissitzky’s PROUN: Project of the Affirmation of the New; in Russian the acronym makes sense—it is essentially an abstract racing game. Instead of driving around a circuit, the player circles around a cylinder; each corner a geometrical shape attached to the cylinder that the player must spin out of the way of. Aesthetically it is a powerful interpretation of Proun19D, and there is no other game that looks anything like it.

But just as impressive as its aesthetic achievement is that it is equally compelling a racing game. In spite of its 3D visuals, Proun plays more like a classic 2D racing game. Reminiscent of the likes of Outruns, the abstract aesthetic allows for an expressive freedom in track design that has no equal, making for one of the most complex and intense time attack experiences this side of iRacing qualification. If only more people had participated in its leaderboards, and built a community around the most original and one of the best racing games of the decade...

A rare insight into Tom Towers’ critical process, here are some notes he found for his review of Trauma!

A rare insight into Tom Towers’ critical process, here are some notes he found for his review of Trauma!

Trauma is as remarkable as it is obscure. The homework of Krystian Majewski, it was made with flash and a Sony DSC-F17! If anyone had heard of it, it would be an important game in the indie canon: a deliberate experiment of a game, Krystian Majewski studied the adventure game genre and decided to emphasise narrative over puzzle design (although the narrative itself is something of a puzzle, and the puzzles themselves are fun) and use some archaic techniques (such as FMV cutscenes) to create something simultaneously unlike anything preceding it, yet clearly the progeny of the likes of The Last Express and Myst—modernist technique at its finest!

Although the plot’s main draw is its mystery rather than the emotional impact of the super low budget FMVs, the melancholy lyricism of the ethereal puzzles, navigation, photography and narration come together to make something entrancingly beautiful, and the narrative is a surprisingly authentic emotional expression, considering the experimental nature of its conception.

I have returned to Trauma almost as many times as I have returned to Ico, the greatest game ever made; and nearly as beautiful as Trauma. Trauma, like Ico, in spite of drawing on some obvious influences, and without being obscurantist, manages to be an enigmatic experience—one that is endlessly fascinating, in the way that all beauty is.

But, unfortunately for the reader, beauty, like love, is undefinable, indescribable and, most of all, unjustifiable; so anything I write and you read about Trauma is sheer folly. Trauma is beautiful, and I am not so foolish (or brave?) a poet to try and encapsulate it in a metaphor. I was, however, foolish (brave?) enough a critic to review it, giving it a miserly 3.5/5. This score, and review, are perfect illustrations of the pretentious folly that is criticism:

Ever the supreme wit, even in his proofreading notes!

Ever the supreme wit, even in his proofreading notes!

Trauma opens with lovely, ghostly headlights, brake lights and indicators Tronning their way along the road. Naturally it ends in disaster: light collides as the title predicts and you wake up—no, you don’t: you dream in a hospital bed. Four recurring dreams that are far more tranquil than nightmarish. But they are not without their horrors. Each dream repeats endlessly until you can bring it to its natural end(s): an end that is often more stifling and suffocating than the dream itself.

Each dream has four endings: with one main ending that triggers a cutscene:  dialogue between doctor and patient. The alternative endings offer a musing, but go no further than that. There are also photos to collect. The photos act as the game’s manual and hint system showing you the controls and where to find, and how to solve, all the alternate endings.

There’s only so many ways to turn, and you’re already facing backwards.

There’s only so many ways to turn, and you’re already facing backwards.

The hint system has one rather large problem. It’s too helpful. It tells you everything you need to do to trigger the alternative endings except where they are (though you can easily extrapolate its location from the photo) and what dream they are in. You switch back and forth from dream to dream, and there’s no reason to play all the dreams in chronological order: the cutscenes play out the same way no matter what.

At first, when you figure out that some photos are hints, it’s helpful. After that they are tantamount to spoilers and end up making the gameplay an exercise in glorified pixel hunting. Admittedly without the hints this would still be the case due to the ‘alternative ending’ puzzles being solved the same way in every level. But without the hints there would at least be a little more excitement when you find what triggers the alternative ending. Having already seen it in the photo-clue takes away from that somewhat.

A flick of the wrist and the tangible becomes intangible.

A flick of the wrist and the tangible becomes intangible.

I say glorified pixel hunting because it is without the frustration of that ever annoying adventure gaming trope. You are not literally pixel hunting, but moving in first person à la Myst and other adventure games and looking for photos and things to interact with. The movement is smoother than most thanks to Trauma’s main gameplay hook: you can draw symbols on the screen to move, and to interact with the world.

You can still click where you want to go, but being able to draw a semi-circle to spin around on the spot or an arrow to move backwards while still facing forwards and the like saves time and gives the game a real flow and organic feel. There are also the three symbols that you’ll acquire as you continue through the game such as a hook to lift spheres and so forth. These solve the puzzles and unlock the endings.

The problem is that there are only three symbols, and they’re always used in exactly the same manner. All you must do is find where the trigger to end the level is. However there is enjoyment in finding the trigger. The story is told through narration from the protagonist talking about her current day fears and anxieties, and her past experiences from when she was growing up. They’re all tasty morsels of information, and it’s a joy to find photos of her past and try to piece together her psyche.

But there are only 9 photos per level, and most of the photos consist of clues or control instructions. While they don’t form the only parts of the story I couldn’t help but feel a little unsatisfied when the credits rolled. I had been introduced to the character, grown to like her, and then the game ended. There was no greater insight than that. Not to mention that her condition belied her Trauma: eight nights (at the very least. One dream per night? Recurring? 4×2=8!) in a hospital after a car crash and she’s positively waltzing out of the front door by the end of her stay.

As a metaphor it works a little better. Her inner turmoil leaves her numb rather than outwardly in pain, but the ending comes across as relief, yet nothing has really been solved and while she has come to accept some things there is no great feeling of character growth. The second ending that is unlocked when you complete all main and alternate dream endings solves these problems, but does not completely overcome the bitter taste that lingers from the first.

Graffiti juxtaposed with vandalism.

Graffiti juxtaposed with vandalism.

But visually Trauma is beautiful, and at times quite touching. While I find nothing more lovely than dirty, filthy and rusty old docks in a state of decay, the way that the second dream presents said docks as a place of nostalgia, childhood curiosity and naive worship, will surely leave even the staunchest of germaphobes entranced by its beauty.

The crushing, totalitarian way a freeway and tunnel is presented as an endless, looping road with signs that “really want you to know your way” is captured perfectly. The loneliness of the first dream in a place that should be anything but lonely yet of course is—a cafe at night—is once again realised very well. The final dream that consists of an endless road that leads nowhere while on either side of it are both billboards and nature: the nature can be explored (and leads somewhere) unlike the road, but just as easily one can be fatally lost amongst the thistle and the shrubs just begs to be explored.

“ZZZ…” still recovering from the Okabu review I see…

“ZZZ…” still recovering from the Okabu review I see…

The sound does its part too. The music is subtle, and I barely noticed it. That just means it was perfectly done. It let the visuals take centre stage, and while I don’t agree that a naturalistic style of acting ever works successfully when an actor has only the voice to use (and it doesn’t here; while the cutscenes are live action, they are filmed in a way that the actors must still work almost only with their voices) it does mean that once again the visuals and writing are left to tell the story.

It’s a story that is perhaps disappointingly shallow, but it’s a shallow story with an engaging protagonist, and it’s beautifully told—no, it’s beautifully shown. If only she’d spent a little longer in hospital. Then perhaps I could have come to know her just that little bit better.

Tom Towers Top 10 Titles of the Twenty Tens: 4-2

Abstinence sows sand all over The ruddy limbs and flaming hair, But Desire Gratified Plants fruits of life and beauty there.

Abstinence sows sand all over
The ruddy limbs and flaming hair,
But Desire Gratified
Plants fruits of life and beauty there.

The quintessence of the violence in the “West”’s epic romances is erotic, not heroic. From Dido to Dante to the dildo in GTA, the violence is driven by Eros, not Ares; the violent punishments in Dante’s Inferno are steeped in the eros of sadism (is 120 Days of Sodom so different to the Inferno?), making his depiction of endless copulation as a punishment neither horrifying nor nauseating by comparison, but merely a lukewarm inconvenience in the frigidity of an arctic hell. Yet in spite—or perhaps because—of his asceticism, Dante is also responsible for one of the greatest metaphors for lust: being driven about by the wind; though, again, who would not find joy in being a leaf (or more potently, pollen) borne by the wind? In the Western canon, only the likes of William Blake are willing to conceive of Dante’s orgies with the joy of abandon an orgy in hell would surely constitute; while elsewhere violence is usually seen through a kaleidoscope of orgiastic sensuality.

Even our own epoch’s great epic hero, James Bond, is an iconic character in film not a he is an incorrigible lothario but, on the contrary, because in spite of his seductive qualities, he is nevertheless the ascetic, masculine counterpart to the unrepressed, effeminate villains he flirts with in witty repartee—metaphorically saving not the world but his own anal virginity in the face of homosexual seduction, and proving always to be above even his own virile heterosexuality by rejecting as many amours as he engages in; showing a level of self-restraint that any self-flagellating saint would be proud of. (Though self-flagellation makes chastity pretty enjoyable; just ask Francis Bacon!) Indeed, when he makes the mistake of giving into his own sexuality and falling for a lady, it usually results in betrayal or disappointment. The literary Bond is a slightly more interesting character in that his womanising leads to a lonely life, and he experiences as much sexual frustration as he does satisfaction, but the moral is much the same.

The human algorithm (input: a female lead, a modern witch, uses four guns; output: the above) behind Bayonetta is a woman, so her partial nudity is acceptable by default, okay?

The human algorithm (input: a female lead, a modern witch, uses four guns; output: the above) behind Bayonetta is a woman, so her partial nudity is acceptable by default, okay?

Interestingly, in spite of Bond’s potent heterosexuality being contrasted with his enemies’ weening homosexuality, Ian Fleming’s ancestors mentioned above were saving themselves from seduction by women and finding sexual release in fucking their fellow countrymen. By the time Ian Fleming was being recruited by a rear admiral, the sodomy going on in the armed forces had been institutionalised to replace the more violent hazing practices of the homosexual glory days of the armed forces, so it’s no surprise that homosexuality in the armed forces is today suppressed, as initiation is by its very nature taboo. The institutionalisation of prostitution (during the last two world wars, the imperialist militaries progressed beyond the ancient Greek sexual mores to the 19th century’s) probably has something to do with it, too.

Luckily Bayonetta isn’t the videogame equivalent to James Bond or epic poetry written by ancient pansexual soy boys and sadists, even though post-war Japan is as much a part of the Western as the Eastern canon. Bayonetta is The Avengers; a classic romance! While Kamiya’s first beat ‘em up, Devil May Cry, flirted with a psycho-sexual theme—very Oedipal in its complexes, too!—it never really expanded on it, and as the series continued without Kamiya at the helm, it soon devolved into the anodyne, cheesy homeliness of boy band erotica that teenage girls had to wank to until Twilight gave them something far more exiting than Justin Timberlake and co. with semen slicking back their hair. Not coincidentally, Stephenie Meyer’s action scenes are much more exciting than Ian Fleming’s, and her books’ erotic passages are not moments of sexual rejection and metaphors for sexual frustration lifted from Freudian dream analysis (e.g. Bond’s failed liaison and its violent metaphysical interruption on the beach in Moonraker), but the fantasy, anticipation, and even consummation of her romantic leads’ courtship; though Stephenie Meyer still cannot help but mythologise desire and lust.

Some insipid, insignificant comic has made finding The Avengers pics a nightmare.

Some insipid, insignificant comic has made finding The Avengers pics a nightmare.

The Avengers, with smarter writing, more sensual leads and more suspenseful action than the material it satirises was—much to the show’s producers’ chagrin—taken as seriously by its audience as the targets of its wit. (Incidentally, the image of all-powerful espionage agencies we are haunted by today is an invention of world war II propaganda and the spy-inspired pop art of the Cold War, whether the conservative 007 or the counter-cultural The Prisoner; the reality of espionage is closer to the farcical narcissism of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy vs. Spy.)

But The Avengers was aired during the peak of the Cold War, after all—Capitalist America was busy fighting the Vietnamese Communists in a highly-competitive and equally peaceful espionage and propaganda battle that somehow killed millions of people in spite of the war’s famous frigidity; but when propaganda consists of bullets, bombs, bayonets  and Bayer’s latest chemical blends, it does tend to kill many more people than it converts,—so the producers should not have been too surprised that their audience would have difficulty in understanding the difference between parody and what was being parodied.

The best seasons of The Avengers are after John Steed (Patrick Macnee) is transformed from a debonair spy who wore trench coats like the coolest noir private dicks—not serial killers and paedophiles, although already the practical trench coat was growing a bad reputation—into an equally debonair dandy (an even greater achievement in charm and costumery), and was joined by Mrs. Peel (Diana Rigg) whose outfits were even more ludicrous, not to mention cool, than his. All of a sudden, the witty repartee was shared not between villain and hero but between protagonists dressed in a variety of colourful and glamorous suits and catsuits. The Avengers soon outgrew parody—just as the James Bond film series grew more and more ironic—inventing its own psychedelic and surreal world every bit as engrossing and original as that of its counter-culture competitors.

Labic is the correct term, Phil! Yonic would also suffice, but has religious connotations, so wouldn’t be applicable here. Personally, I prefer to misuse labial!

Labic is the correct term, Phil! Yonic would also suffice, but has religious connotations, so wouldn’t be applicable here. Personally, I prefer to misuse labial!

The transference of the sexual tension from the violent struggle to retain one’s virginity (whether one is beset by the queens of antiquity trying to ruin your bloodline or the drag queens of international conspiracies trying to crush Western Civilisation) to maintaining a professional relationship in spite of your partner being irresistible and an endless flirt, also allowed for what had once been very competent and suspenseful espionage plots to find just as much excitement in the sensual joy of surrealism’s extension of aesthetic (sexual) experience to every sensory facet of life, without the shame that sublimates it to another expression (such as imaginary violence); albeit with an ultimately ascetic basis for its sexual tension.

It may seem like a strange comparison, but Bayonetta’s themes could just as easily summarise the greatest seasons of The Avengers: “sexiness”, “partial nudity”, and “fashion”. Bayonetta, like The Avengers, is committed unashamedly to the worship of Eros. There is no transference of sexuality to violence in Bayonetta either, albeit because the two are indistinguishable; which is a little different to sublimation, and one could hardly accuse Bayonetta of being an ascetic. Indeed, she revels in her seductive power, which is directly proportional to how naked she is. The combat also easily sidesteps the Protestantism of many beat ‘em ups. Although you do indeed grow more powerful and unlock more moves as you play, you almost immediately have access to all basic moves that affect the mechanics on a fundamental level, allowing you to enjoy the sensual mayhem as soon as you begin—almost as if it were a fighting game!

The most impressive aspect of the enemy design in the original Bayonetta is the grotesque way in which the bosses and, to a lesser degree the standard enemies, are mutated masses of diverse body parts put together in a hideous manner so that they wo…

The most impressive aspect of the enemy design in the original Bayonetta is the grotesque way in which the bosses and, to a lesser degree the standard enemies, are mutated masses of diverse body parts put together in a hideous manner so that they would not be out of place in the bestial language of medieval art. Abstinence sews sand all over!

The contrast between the washed out, prudish neo-classical design of the angels and the high-fashion concept-art wantonness of Bayonetta and her colourful combos is hilarious—from the standard enemies to the bosses, the soldiers of heaven are hell-bent on stopping Bayonetta, encouraging the player to respond in kind by being as aggressive as possible; thus inadvertently encouraging her advances, while her own flagrantly-sexual beatings in turn further enflames the supposedly chaste angels desire to stop her! While Aeneas was grovelling at Mercury’s marble feet, Bayonetta would have been cutting them to ribbons, not committing suicide.

Technically, the fights against humanoid bosses are equal to anything else in the genre, and some are almost as fascinating a prospect as fighting against another player in a fighting game—something that is expanded on in the sequel, but Bayonetta 2 is not as pure an aesthetic experience as the original and, just like the sequels of Devil May Cry, it moves away from being an irreverent tribute to Eros; eroding its shameless sexuality with irony.

Bayonetta’s sexiness, partial nudity and fashion make for one of the purest expressions of action (the joy of the body) in any medium this decade, and aesthetically it is as delectable as Flowers of Evil—but unlike Baudelaire’s masterpiece, it is free of a self-pitying predilection with disease and death (the psychosomatic symptoms of shame); it is the naïve laughter of the living, not the cynical scoffing of the dying.

3 Antichamber

I have no idea what this, or what it was doing in the game…

I have no idea what this, or what it was doing in the game…

Antichamber is a fever dream of a game. Or literally a fever dream I had, I’m not sure which, as I played it while suffering from one of the worst fevers of my life; but unlike the worst fever of my life, the entire experience wasn’t magical (and didn’t result in the permanent brain damage that should be all too apparent to anyone reading this list): when I wasn’t playing or writing and editing my review of Antichamber, I was just in horrible pain and longing for the mercy of death. (Of course, the fact that I could play and review a game during it means it wasn’t really that bad of a fever in reality.)

But out of such a burning fiery furnace, the feverish colours, creative logic and total freedom afforded to the player have been burnt, like an encephalitis, into the soft tissue of my brain. Antichamber is the greatest puzzle game of the decade and one of the greatest ever (sorry pedantically-excluded Tetris remakes, but the only level on which you can compete with Antichamber is in your ability to hypnotise), because it is one of the very few, if not the only, puzzle game to allow the player to solve puzzles in any way they please, no matter how ridiculous.

The similarities to Portal end here.

The similarities to Portal end here.

It is not the logic of the puzzle one must follow, but the logic of the physics of the game world. Just like problem solving in reality, one can institute ridiculous, brute-force solutions (such as a laboriously building a bridge pixel-by-pixel to get across a gap, when the logic of the puzzle wants you do something more elegant, though no more effective) if it is more efficient than wasting time on figuring out one of the “correct” solutions. This might sound like a negative, but anyone who has ever built something knows that bodginess is next to cleanliness (as, as often as not, well-hidden bodigness is the secret of clean design)—and Antichamber rewards the bodgy just as much as it rewards the bougy.

Indeed, if Braid’s puzzles mimicked the creative process, then Antichamber’s allowed for its puzzles to actually be solved via the creative process!

P.S. Bonus Braid content.

2 This War Of Mine

Well said, though more likely it would say Fuck the Enemy (whoever the enemy is).

Well said, though more likely it would say Fuck the Enemy (whoever the enemy is).

One of the most disturbing things I have witnessed (from the safety of my own home!) is the amputation of a leg using a hacksaw, with no anaesthetic. Anyone who has ever butchered meat will know how difficult flesh, let alone bone, is to cut through without the proper implements. Being maimed by mines and shrapnel only to be butchered by doctors to save their lives is the reality faced by civilians in war (most modern armies, unless engaged in total war, have ample medical infrastructure to treat the soldiers maiming one another and whoever else happens to be nearby; the latter they only sometimes use their ample medical resources on, however) and, while there are no anaesthetic-less amputations, This war of Mine does not shy away from the fact that modern warfare is not the story of soldiers, but that of civilians.

The result is the most difficult, tense, and disturbing survival horror game ever made; one that confronts you with sometimes heartbreaking moral and daunting practical problems to solve when there is not enough food, medicine or fuel (and there rarely is) for the inhabitants of the hovel—which you are trying to make liveable by scavenging, rationing, stealing and trading—to go around. That the characters are but hollow archetypes is a quality not a flaw, as it allows them to be fleshed-out with your own projection, memories or imagination.

I only made it three more days on this play-through.

I only made it three more days on this play-through.

Just having one resident survive to the end of the war is an achievement, let alone a whole household—which is admittedly a slightly hyperbolic rendering of the siege of Sarajevo on which This War of Mine is based. Yet this achievement—survival—offers the player no satisfaction, nor even consolation: instead, success is merely an almost hollow relief; testament to how genuine and well-designed the difficulty is, as much as how suitably true to its theme the gameplay is. (If you are satisfied, not relieved, by your achievements in life; then you need to be more ambitious!)

This War of Mine is arguably the best fictional examination of war of the decade in any medium, let alone gaming; and as an RTS, it is a wholly original and engrossing experience.

She didn’t even last that long.

She didn’t even last that long.


It would be remiss of me not to mention another tremendously original strategy game that came out this decade: Valkyria Chronicles. However, like most works of art with war as a theme, it ultimately amounted to little more than a self-pity party that is real sad about all of that killing and stuff, but ultimately can’t figure out how to solve conflicts without violence most of the time. Great game—and story, too—don’t get me wrong, but it’s doubly-worth mentioning because its thematic failure is universal across all mediums, further emphasising This War of Mine as an astounding achievement. Don’t get me started on Saving Private Ryan!

Tom Towers' Top 10 Titles of the Twenty-Tens: 7-5

7 Metro: 2033 or Last Light…or Exodus?

Baby Lenin can’t find his sickle; this is not just another fetch quest!

Baby Lenin can’t find his sickle; this is not just another fetch quest!

Metro: Last Light would be substituted for 2033 if the ranger hardcore mode had not been DLC—as a result, I am yet to play it as it ought to be played. No matter how endearingly quaint the very Russian philosophical and political ruminations of Last Light (the author of Metro novels had a greater role in the writing of Last Light than he did with 2033; eventually turning his unused ideas for Last Light into another Metro novel!) and how cutely the metaphysical themes were personified in an adorable little darkling, Last Light simply could not compete with Metro 2033 without its own version of ranger hardcore mode.

Metro 2033, played on ranger hardcore, is the greatest stealth game of the decade (MGSV may be a better action game, but it never quite reached the heights of the Metro series’ stealth). The margin for error is almost zero: stand on broken glass, miss a knife throw, or breathe too near an enemy, and you’re probably dead. To make it through a level alive, the player is forced to plan out a complicated choreography of hiding and sniping, paying careful attention to the number of throwing knives available. And yet there is still some room for improvisation, resulting in some of the most frantic moments of quick thinking in any game, let alone a first person shooter, if you are not instantly killed for exposing yourself but given a chance to fight back or flee.

2033’s use of light and shade will always be breath taking.

2033’s use of light and shade will always be breath taking.

And as a first person shooter based on survival, it is nearly as intense an experience. Not only must all your ammo be counted and each shot made to count, if you are using a weapon with recyclable projectiles (and you will be if you want to survive until the end of the game), then you must also risk discovery by sneaking up to corpses to recover your unbroken gas gun bolts.

As often as not, whether sneaking or shooting, being equally careful not to suffocate by running out of gas mask filters; any area with irradiated air is a terrifying experience!

No other stealth game requires such meticulous planning and no other survival game is as much about memorisation and self-discipline as Metro 2033 is—two elements that really should be, but often aren’t, fundamental aspects of those two genres.

I don’t remember who the hell this is, but I do remember that painting!

I don’t remember who the hell this is, but I do remember that painting!

While my list gives no credence to influence, it’s worth remembering that two of the most well-received triple-a narratives this decade (The Last of Us and Wolfenstein: The New Order) owe a great deal to the Metro series, or at least followed in its footsteps. 2033’s combination of stealth, action and survival to explore serious themes may not be as personal as The Last of Us, but it is a direct precursor: a stepping stone from Metal Gear Solid to TLOU. The relationship between the Dark One and Artyom is not unlike the relationship between Joel and Ellie, albeit far less deep (though deeper in terms of its effect on gameplay, and certainly more philosophically interesting!); and the relationship between Artyom and Anna—with a touch of intrusive Oriental humour—predates the romantic relationship in Wolfenstein: The New Order. In Exodus this relationship is explored in more detail, with The New Order perhaps encouraging 4A games to in turn take what they started a little more seriously!

Yet even without ranger hardcore mode, Last Light will remain with me forever as a strangely meditative experience, nearly equal to S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadows of Chernobyl. The ultimate hollowness of the themes it raises and the questions it asks then fails to answer—in a typically oriental manner—allows one to project whatever one pleases into the experience in a way that other shallow explorations of deep themes do not—Blade Runner immediately comes to mind, which undercuts its meditative atmosphere by focusing on a thematically meaningless mystery whose answer, while never given, allows for no projection and is revelatory if answered by the audience only in terms of plot; this is also in stark contrast to its source material which, while also ambiguous, is not concerned with the unanswered mysteries of plot, but the unanswerable mysteries of God.

Just reach in and grab your gas gun bolts!

Just reach in and grab your gas gun bolts!

Fuck it, maybe Last Light should be here, after all! I’ll retract my opening paragraph and leave this as an open question: pick either Metro mentioned here—or maybe even Exodus!

6 Life Is Strange

Remember Me, clearly inspired by the likes of Moebius, Kubrick, Bilal and Dick was gorgeous from beginning to end; but it was in its most abstract moments where it blossomed into something truly special; albeit still borrowing heavily from Escher an…

Remember Me, clearly inspired by the likes of Moebius, Kubrick, Bilal and Dick was gorgeous from beginning to end; but it was in its most abstract moments where it blossomed into something truly special; albeit still borrowing heavily from Escher and Kula World! The soundtrack is also like a slightly more orchestrated, slightly more poppy version of Eufloria’s ambience, though not quite a sgood.

Life is Strange is strangest if you have played Dontod’s first game, Remember Me: a beautiful, super-polished, high-budget beat ‘em up in the vein of Batman (the combat is almost identical), taking place in a highbrow science fiction setting which nearly successfully disguises the pulpishness of the plot. This strategy is reversed in Life Is Strange: a janky, low-budget adventure game with an ostentatiously pulpy plot and lowbrow setting doing its best to make mass-marketable a weirdly authentic bildungsroman and a totally original gameplay hook—a time travel mechanic allowing you to explore all possible dialogue options, which is also written very well into the finale as the super power becomes self-destructive.

Life is Strange also inspired a lot of fan art. This example by Cassio Yoshiyaki is notable due to not being softcore lesbian porn. Kate Marsh was also one of the most interesting characters, and her subplot was excellent.

Life is Strange also inspired a lot of fan art. This example by Cassio Yoshiyaki is notable due to not being softcore lesbian porn. Kate Marsh was also one of the most interesting characters, and her subplot was excellent.

Inspired by Twin Peaks, Max returns to a seemingly idyllic yet downwardly mobile small American town to expose the rot at the core of American kitsch while also having her big city sensibilities challenged by the responsibilities and sense of community she discovers—she also witnesses the murder of the best friend from her past life, at which point she discovers her ability to rewind time and thus alter the future. While the surreal elements have, like her superhero power, some lyrical qualities, they are mostly decorative; and, unlike Deadly Premonition, the influence of David Lynch is, at best, window dressing—at worst, a cynical marketing ploy to make the low budget aesthetic easier to swallow. But, like David Lynch (and yet again unlike Deadly Premonition), the exploration of human relationships is painfully authentic.

Much has been written about the relationship between Max and Chloe, but the most interesting relationships in the game are the familial relations between Max, Chloe and her mother and father-in-law. Max, being Chloe’s bestest childhood friend, is all but the niece of Chloe’s mother, and her veteran (read: traumatised by the dehumanisation of basic and thus unable to cope without comrades to lose himself in shared victimisation and a paternalistic ruler to free him from the very same victimisation that they initiated, allowing for the total submission to another’s will and the relinquishment of all responsibilities) father-in-law has neither the social skills nor the patience to deal with Chloe who, in turn, has been unable to cope with the death of her “real” father. They’re also struggling to make ends meet—her mother a waitress, and her father a security guard at Max’s school.

Life is Strange’s menus don’t hold a candle to Papers, Please, but they do complement the main story nicely.

Life is Strange’s menus don’t hold a candle to Papers, Please, but they do complement the main story nicely.

In spite of everyone’s best intentions, it is an inherently tragic situation and, while seemingly being but a background element, forms the bedrock of both the plot and the themes of Life Is Strange. Sure, there’s a serial killer on the loose, an incoming metaphysical storm, and Max keeps getting nose bleeds, but what really matters is whether Chloe’s step dad can find a way to show Chloe that he cares for her, that Chloe can come to terms with her father’s death, that her mother can find a way to support both her husband and her daughter who are floundering due to trauma and grief while navigating their jealousies and the trials of wage slavery, and—most important of all—that Max can find a way of gently friendzoning Warren.

With as authentically a tragic depiction of human relationships as this, the hella awkward dialogue and jankiness of the gameplay become endearing—through pity and empathy one can’t help but to love Life Is Strange not in spite of its failings and foibles, but because of them: what else does pathetic humanity have to cope in the tragedy of life but empathy and pity? Wowsers!

5 Sky: Children of Light

As well as posing to placates spirits, one also needs the help of others to burn funguses, which allows you to produce more candles to burn more fungus with. I assume the candles in Sky: Children of Light must be made of fungus, or the whole candle …

As well as posing to placates spirits, one also needs the help of others to burn funguses, which allows you to produce more candles to burn more fungus with. I assume the candles in Sky: Children of Light must be made of fungus, or the whole candle wax economy doesn’t make much sense.

Regular listeners of the Game Under podcast would know that I am an occasional churchgoer (and also, I hope, infer that in spite of this I am probably not religious); the very fact that one may enter and leave churches as one pleases with no one batting an eyelid makes them a strangely subversive institution in a society built on property rights. The inheritor of cultural communal property (at the discretion of the owners) is the shopping centre, and once one is in a shopping centre one is beset with even more propaganda than a church’s stained glass windows, friezes, icons and cross-inspired layout; all of which are a mesmerising, dreamy—rather than hypnotising, nightmarish—aesthetic experience.

But best of all, in my lifetime at least, one may enjoy the unique experience of being alone in a public place if one wanders into a church. Even if one has company, then it is likely to be the church’s organist practicing (Sky: Children of Light features musical instruments, and shockingly it’s not rare to run into another player improvising, in spite of the total commodification of art and thus the cultural rejection of performing music as a communal activity!), or a volunteer running the museum alcove in churches of historical importance. In a shopping centre one is drowning in a sea of stressed-out shoppers, advertisers offering free samples of things and charities begging for donations and the only musical accompaniments are the insufferable offerings of top of the pops or muzak. Unless one visits at night, in which case they are nearly as wondrous entities as churches, and blessed with many more mysteries! In silent isolation, not unlike churches, they even develop their own fascinating acoustic ambiences.*

I’m the one dancing; who the others are, I’ve no idea. Sky’s soundtrack is also every bit as good as Journey’s.

This may be why I did not enjoy Journey, at all. Jenova Chen was once interviewed by a priest who used Journey and Flower in active Christian worship exercises; on learning this, Jenova Chen commented that when he analysed That Game Company’s business model, he realised that they were working in the social service industry: Journey provided an experience in which one could trust other people; a rare feeling for gamers. However, in my own experience, while one was certainly not threatened by the presence of other players in Journey, one gained nothing from meeting them, pragmatically or personally; indeed, the mysteries of the desolate landscape of Journey became with the presence of others a church filled with people, and people filling a church obscure its architectural and, indeed, its spiritual marvels.

Sky: Children of Light is more like a shopping centre than a church. Full of useful and aesthetically pleasing things to collect, it is structured on the basis of material gain by motivating one to improve one’s status through the purchasing of expensive and/or fashionable clothing as well as useful or flashy accessories while simultaneously offering the perfect venue in which to show off the clothes one is already wearing and the accessories one is using. Hard work is rewarded in the same way it is in reality: very, very slowly; though it can eventually begin to build up (and even snowball with the right network!). Or, alternatively, if you are rich then you can skip the hardship of manual labour and buy the fanciest outfits without wasting hours of your life working your thumbs to the bone.

One way of making a candle without much effort or time invested is by hitching a ride on a random player in the Valley’s race! It’s all about the grind…

Yet this creates a strange sense of community. While one is not guaranteed to find help when one needs it, no one seems to be particularly annoyed by a player calling endlessly for assistance in opening a multi-player door so they can collect a few extra blobs of wax, and more often than not people are willing to help—at least when there is a reasonable reward on the other side of the door. The better one dresses oneself, the greater the contrast between one and newer players but, for me at least, instead of fostering a sense of superiority, one ends up feeling compassion for noobs (whose antics not based on collecting as much light as quickly as possible are often amusing to behold) and thus, unlike in many games, when a newbie appears and randomly befriends oneself (not realising the value of candles!), one might actually take them by the hand and lead them through the level, showing them where all the candles, winged lights and spirits are! And it probably isn’t just me who indulges in charitable works from time to time; when I was a newbie, savvy players in fancy outfits routinely helped me out—an experience unlike any other MMO I’ve played (though Koreans were usually surprisingly generous and helpful compared to their Japanese, European and Anglo comrades in other MMOs; perhaps because Koreans live in the closest thing to a micro-transaction economy this side of China).

That one can’t talk to other players unless one spends many candles on one’s friendship constellation or has a very expensive item that allows one to talk to random players also helps to make interaction with friends a very interesting experience. By the time one ends up talking to anyone, one is likely to have known them for some time, making talking to them for the first time an exciting experience, rather than a boring exchange of online platitudes (A/S/L?); even when one is talking to a group of people, there are usually one or two people who know each other very well, making breaking the ice a little less awkward! (Plus, friends of friends are usually very eager to befriend one another.) And even if one does talk to a stranger, it is usually a similarly exciting experience due to its rarity, although slightly more awkward and closer to A/S/L etiquette of standardised online interaction.

A relaxing, ritual suicide by drowning with randoms.

A relaxing, ritual suicide by drowning with randoms.

It is fascinating that, counter-intuitively, That Game Company has ended up making a much more wholesome community experience than Journey—which used the standard, less exploitable one-time payment strategy—in a game clearly structured around encouraging potentially exploitative in-game spending as its business model. But maybe it is their very exploitation and alienation that attracts teenagers to the carnivalesque horror shows of shopping centres: the desire to enrich one’s self materially and marinate in the envy and jealousy evoked by window shopping becomes the shared-suffering doorway to a spiritual connection to one’s peers**, just as, in reverse, a church’s spiritual beauty encourages the severance of one’s connection to other people and it is only in the shared punishment of a priest’s acerbic tongue that the community is put back together through a shared sense of sin.

I am reminded of another interview, this time regarding the Souls games. The inspiration for the Souls series’ strange online system—which clearly influenced Sky: Children of Life—was Hidetaka Miyazaki’s experience of adverse circumstances encouraging communities to rally together. The result was, on the contrary, one of the most immature and unhelpful communities in gaming: git gud, scrub! But, then, the Souls games are like Journey: they are churches, not shopping centres; no matter how melancholy, they are things whose architectural souls are beautiful and pure: other people merely dilute that beauty with sin. Sky: Children of Light, on the other hand, is as horrific and impure as it is beautiful: other people give it its humanity, not a god or its own aesthetic sensibilities—just as the redemptive and entrancing mystery of empty shopping centres at night is the fundamental absence of other people, and the joy in such an architectural experience is not in the architecture itself, but in observing and meeting the people stacking shelves and the tradies renovating—it is the little angels to whom we owe our heaven on earth who reveal the beauty that lies beneath the vulgar surface of shopping centres***; in Sky: Children of Light, anyone who has paid their dues for or bought a useful uniform may stack the shelves and renovate the shopfronts to improve the lives of other players.

Admittedly, I only know two of these people.

Indeed, if Sky: Children of Light has taught us anything, it is that “late-stage capitalism” needn’t be a boring “hellscape”—at least digitally; alienation, it turns out, is the key to turning strangers into friends: the immediate intimacy of social media is proof enough of that! (Or a caption above the final section? Probably a caption!)

*One night I must try singing in one!

**More likely, or in addition to, it is simply because shopping centres are the one public venue where teenagers are allowed the same freedom of movement as adults.

***Or, conversely, accentuate the conspicuous absence of others.