Tom Towers and Phil Fogg talk about their Best Game of All Time (spoiler alert it’s neither Yakuza or Killzone). Tom also gives his final thoughts on Minerva’s Den and The Protector Files, which at least one of which was ground-breaking DLC at the time of release, and the work of many creators who went on to form Fullbright, makers of Gone Home and Tacoma. Tom then reviews Metal Gear Solid !
We also go over Dr. Mario World, Shakedown Hawaii, the Nintendo Switch Lite, the C-64 Mini and Red Dead Redemption 2 before getting to what has become our ghost ship, a full review of Ueda’s The Last Guardian.
Fogg used to have a lot of time on his hands. This is a mock cover containing an anagram he made year’s ago. Today he not only forgets how to do such things but also, according to this episode, forgets what a website is called (Editorial Note: It’s called a “website”)