The Game Under Podcast Episode 35

Big Show 7 has come around, and rather than go big in length, this week we go big in philosophy when we discuss the very nature of gaming, and why different people are drawn to it.

Next week we'll be doing our expected GOTY selections and also let you know what we've been paying.

Thanks for listening.

Only funny when you hear episode 24.

Only funny when you hear episode 24.

The Game Under Podcast Episode 34

A year ago today Tom Towers drunkenly challenged notorious Irishman, John Aarny to a gaming duel. A game a week for a year.  In today's episode they recount their sexually charged journey of gaming gluttony.  Did they make it? Listen to find out.



The Game Under Podcast Episode 32

Phil Fogg has a nice new PS4, but he's not on this show, instead Tom Towers is joined by Dave Ader who goes deep with impressions of Killzone: Shadow Fall, Battlefield 4, NBA2K14, Need for Speed Rivals, Resogun and Contrast.

Before going to the news Tom gives impressions of Hyperdimension Neptunia: Victory and The Swapper.

Thanks for Listening.

Buddha Approves.

Buddha Approves.

The Game Under Podcast Episode 30

In wake of the PS4 launch we decided to give you some counter-programming with our sixth BIG SHOW.

It's an FPS blow-out where we talk about nothing but FPS games including the mechanics, best and worst trends of the genre as well as the most influential FPS of all time.

We also give our five best and worst FPS games of the generation in addition to full reviews of both Modern Warfare games (which should surprise most).

Tom Towers also revisits Killzone 3 in light of having recently beaten the original Killzone.

Thanks for Listening (listen responsibly, it's a BIG SHOW).


Saints Row 2 - YouTube Edit

As a part of our serialization of Tom Towers' Aural Reviews today we have made available the Saints Row 2 First Impressions and Aural Review on our YouTube Channel

We've been breaking out Tom's Aural Reviews from our episodes for easier listening and later reference. You can see a full list by visiting the channel or on our Reviews page.

Oh, and yes, we are alive, new show coming up this weekend.