Title: Bastion
Platform(s): PC, Xbox 360
Publisher(s): Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Developer(s): Supergiant Games
Genre(s): Action RPG
Release Date: 20/7/2011
ESRB Rating: 10+
Overall Rating: 4/5
Tom Towers (PC) and Mike Lewis (360) come together to form Mike Towers: a game reviewing Voltron that doesn’t afraid of anything.
A proper review’s supposed to start at the beginning. Ain’t so simple with this one.
The Bastion is where you go when things go wrong. Very wrong. Well,
things have gone very wrong, and The Kid finds himself alone. He wakes
up in bed and makes his way through the sky, the world being built
around him. Pathways, walls, and buildings fall into place as if at his
will as he goes in search of the Bastion. Of course it’s not long before
he finds the Bastion. He finds a stranger there and they set about
saving the world. How? Well, you’ll just have to wait and see, but
everything depends on The Kid.
The Bastion serves as the game’s hub. From here you will travel to
each level in your search for cores: mysterious objects that power the
Bastion. Often when you find the core at the end of the level the world
that you just helped grow into life again will begin to crumble: you are
its resurrection and its death. It gives the world an organic, living
feel. The flimsiness of your surroundings (it helps matters that you can
just rage for awhile and break nearly everything in sight!) gives the
environment a real sense of, well, realness.
Caelondia was a beautiful city. One that is wonderfully realised by
the game’s painterly style, and slick animation. But it’s one that has
been devastated. You’ll come across a few people here and there. They’re
nothing but dust, and the only interaction you can have with them is to
scatter their ashes. It’s just a little bit tragic.
As you make your way through the ghostly remnants of town you’ll
naturally be doing a lot of killing along the way! But even the enemies
have this same wonderful sense of tragedy to them; they are victims of
the calamity just as much as The Kid and the stranger are. They are just
trying to survive and find a place for themselves in this new world.
Even the birds, beasts and squirts seem like autonomous victims of the
calamity working and struggling for survival. And the cores. They want
the cores too.
It gives your actions far more weight than if The Kid was just
slaying stupid beasts in his quest to save the world. It’s for their
good of course, as the stranger reminds you, but will the end justify
the means? Well, you’ll just have to keep going to find out!
Running into that wall won’t break it, but raging certainly will!
So just how does the Kid go about collecting the precious cores, and
defeating the nefarious beasts who want all the power for themselves?
That’s right, it’s a healthy dose of the old hack’n’slash. If you’re
going to rely on such a traditional gameplay style, you have to make
sure you execute (pardon the pun) it well. And Bastion pulls it off with
style and grace, not to mention a nice array of weaponry. No-one will
be surprised to find both up close and personal and ranged weapons here,
but they still provide plenty of variety. Slow but powerful hammer?
Yep. Quick but slightly underpowered machete? Yep. Quick draw duelling
pistols? Yep. 19th century type musket? Umm, strangely yep. All the
weapons do have a different feel and force changes in your play style,
that help prevent what is relatively repetitive gameplay from ever
becoming stale or dull. You can also choose RPG style upgrades for the
weapons as the game progresses, and rather neatly you can switch between
the different upgrades whenever you return to the Bastion itself.
A little more about the Bastion here – as you restore the living,
beating heart of the place, you can rebuild various buildings that
affect your progress and allow you to purchase weapon upgrades, new
skills and items, or just allow you to have a bit of a stroll around to
take it all in and appreciate what you’ve achieved. Along with the
arsenal and the forge (whose functions should be self-explanatory) there
are other buildings such as the shrine, which can be a real game
changer. Essentially along your journey you can collect ‘idols’. These
idols can be activated in the shrine to basically increase the
difficulty of certain game aspects, in return for more rewards and
higher XP. One idol for example decreases the damage you dole out to
enemies, while another gives your foes powers of health regeneration.
This is the Bastion; looking nicely done up too!
The idols also drastically alter the way you play which makes things
stay fresh even on New Game Plus in which you can play through the game
again with your stats and equipment from your first playthrough! Not
all the idols are stat modifiers either. One for example results in
enemies exploding when you’ve killed them so that you’ve got to kill
then dodge, and another results in enemies periodically mirroring your
attacks so they’re sent flying back in your face which completely
changes the dynamics of offence, and means you have to rely a lot more
on defence. And there’s plenty more too! Things can get a little hectic
when you’ve got your musket rounds being blown back in your face while a
thousand peckers have you under projectile barrage, and it’s times like
these that you might just roll off the edge of the world.
Moving around can be a bit awkward when playing with the WSAD set-up
which for most PC gamers will probably be the most natural set-up,
though it’s not the only one of course! There’s also a set-up where you
can move around with the mouse; I found it a tad awkward as the
transition between movement and aiming ranged attacks was not so smooth,
but if I had invested more time in it I probably would have got used to
The problem with WSAD is that the pathways don’t follow the same,
sharp angles that the keyboard’s keys do. It’s not usually a problem,
but when things get hectic on thin pathways it’s very easy to fall to
your death…just kidding! You’ll then fall from the sky, and hopefully
onto an enemy damaging it in the process! Though you take a little hit
in the process.
The only other issue is that sometimes it seems like a bit of a toss
up as to whether you should be aiming for the enemy’s shadow or the
enemy itself. As far as mouse aiming goes it doesn’t really feel as
accurate as one might expect, but once I was used to it I found myself
sniping with ease…most of the time anyway. There is a lock on of course,
but where’s the fun in that? Clearly a concession to our console
brethren! Actually, it does prove useful for sniping enemies off screen!
Ah, the joys of being cheap…
Anklegators generally eat more than just ankles.
Otherwise the controls feel tight and responsive; it’s a joy to roll
around from enemy to enemy, countering and dodging their attacks, and
hitting them with a barrage of hurt!
Controls are certainly less of an issue in the Xbox360 version. If
the PC version feels like a few concessions have been made to the
console crowd (card carrying member right here!) that’s because it does
appear to have been a console based project. Movement is generally
pretty slick and intuitive, but that doesn’t stop the same ‘falling off
the edge of the world’ issues, which seem to be related to the game
design and the sparse amount of room The Kid has on some levels, rather
than being due to the controls themselves. Aiming is a little hit and
miss (I really have to stop these puns) with similar problems to the PC
version. The auto-aim snaps in far too often, and often leads to you
attacking a completely different enemy to the one you wanted to take
down. Control of some of the more powerful ranged weapons late on can be
particularly tricky, with the analogue stick never really allowing for
precise aiming. Having said that, this is a minor criticism, and the
control issues overall never have a massive impact or really impair your
enjoyment of Bastion.
And it is a very enjoyable experience. Fans of old school adventures
will swoon over the isometric viewpoint, whereas everyone else should
appreciate the beautiful graphical style, and the amazing soundtrack.
This is far from your usual standard sweeping, dramatic orchestral RPG
score. It’s varied but beautiful and complements the game perfectly. In
fact the soundtrack is so good, that after a clamour from fans of the
game, it has now been released for download (with a CD due later this
Aiming for the enemies? There’s still rocks to break! Geez…
Though the game is short (probably around eight hours on normal
taking into account cutscenes and time spent dead) the narrative is
paced in a way that the concise gameplay benefits from. Never do the
cutscenes or the downtime sections where all you can do is wander around
and talk interrupt the action; instead they only follow on from the
climax of one movement of action—a small breather is appreciated, and
gives you a chance to reflect on what has just happened both
narrative-wise (with your squad mates) and gameplay-wise (with your
brain). Sure there are a few brief cutscenes within the levels, but they
are given a feeling of authenticity thanks to a false sense of
interactivity through brief QTEs. Luckily they serve their purpose,
without being frustrating, and if you fail them you usually only a have
to sit through a few seconds of previously seen cutscene before you can
try again.
It definitely would have been nice to get the soundtrack as a little swag I’ve got to say! Not only is it not your
average sweeping orchestral score, but it’s not afraid to use a genre
of music that you wouldn’t normally see in any game, let alone a damn
RPG! That genre is countryish folk! (And if that’s not a real genre it
should be.) Now before you run a mile it’s used in all the
right places. It even has something else games try to avoid: lyrics!
Lyrics that punctuate the narration over the top of the music with a
more abstract sadness. It really works wonderfully well.
So that’s Bastion. A game that is elevated well above the average
action RPG by its great graphics and music, a solid story and by a few
neat quirks such as the narration. It’s not without its problems—the
controls should be tighter, and the correlation between your actions and
the narration could be a little sharper; in fact it is used very
inconsistently, and without much success. It’s cool the first time you
hear a comment on your actions, but then when there’s a lull for 30
minutes without any comment and one suddenly pops up out of the blue it
merely begins to intrude; especially given that it comments on the same
things over and over again, completely ignoring 90% of what you do! FIFA
this ain’t. Combat is a tad repetitive, but redeemed by the range of
weaponry. Overall though, Bastion is an excellent gaming experience,
and comes highly recommended by these two geeks.
To sum things up…
A gem of an action RPG. Rarely do you see a game that combines sound, graphics and gameplay as well as Bastion does. A few control and narration issues detract from the overall package, but playing through Bastion is a fantastic experience.
The numbers…
Gameplay: 3.5/5
Traditional isometric action RPG. Solid and satisfying.
Aesthetics: 4/5
Beautiful graphics and unique art style. Gorgeous visuals on both console and PC.
Soundtrack: 4.5/5
Fantastic soundtrack that dares to be different, and is both heart
breaking and epic at times. Only the narration keeps the sounds overall
from being a 5.
Story/Plot: 4/5
Much of it is standard RPG fare, but it’s improved by the Bastion itself
as an integral plot device, and with the excellent presentation manages
to be very engaging.
Entertainment Value: 4/5
A downloadable title that provides several hours of enjoyable gaming,
and that stomps all over many expensive, boxed titles. Definitely worth
purchasing at this price.